Telemedicine: A promise of better outcomes or just connected care?

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Up to 60% of the global population will suffer from chronic diseases such as heart failure, stroke, diabetes, blood pressure etc., by 2030. Most of the prescriptions, Outpatient and Emergency room visits driven by patients suffering from chronic diseases. Given the exponential increase in demand for healthcare, technologies like telemedicine along with advances in 5G, Machine Learning, are desperately needed.

 Telemedicine unbeknownst to many of us is not a new concept. In fact is a 95 year old concept that is going through renaissance since the early 2000s. This article provides an overview of the technology and its application in clinical care.

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Aditya Bahl
Aditya Bahl
Aditya started RAS Life Science Solutions in 2014 with a single minded aim: to support the development and commercialization of healthcare solutions that hold the promise of alleviating the burden of disease, globally. He has been consulting to Pharma, Medical Device and Digital Therapeutics companies since 2010. Prior to that he held strategy and operations focused roles in Novartis and J&J. He has been engaged in several R&D strategy planning and Brand Planning projects, supporting the development and commercialization of innovative healthcare interventions.

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